Heaven for everyone

Listen - what people do to other souls
They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown no pity
When this should be heaven for everyone

If I take a 20€ bill, change it for 50 cents coins, put it in my pocket and give one coin to everyone that asks for it during the day, I'll be out of coins by 5 PM. The same goes for a pack of cigarettes. And it doesn't matter if I am in the heart of Paris or somewhere in suburbs. Or, basically, anywhere in the world.

Because you can see people asking for something all over the place. I don't remember the last time I had a ride in the metro (or RER) that wasn't interrupted by somebody singing or playing a guitar or an accordion or just simply asking for the money. Or the last time I had a drink in a bar without being asked for a cigarette. Or without being asked for both in the streets. Or when was the last time I took a walk in this sparkly city without seeing at least a dozen homeless people.

I don't mean just now, it was the same when I came to Paris for the first time, back in the eighties. 
And with me being born and raised in a socialist country you can imagine  the shock. On one side all the glittering shop windows with things we could only dream of, and on the other side homeless people digging through garbage. 
We had neither of those. Don't get me wrong, we had all we actually needed. But nothing more than that. And it wasn't enough. We dreamed of much more... 
And now we have it all. Glittering shop windows, enormous debt and a lot of homeless people digging through garbage.
Oh yes, and 200 wealthy families who controls everything.

Sure, some will say it's their fault they are homeless. They are lazy drunks and they choose that lifestyle. Well, that's pure bullshit!
I recently read that more than 30% of them have a job!!! They are actually working! But they don't earn enough to afford themselves a roof over their head. And that is sad and shameful…

So what can we do to fix that? Buy a pack of cigarettes and change a 20€ bill every morning so we could give them charity? 
Sure, we could do that, if we have 800€ to give away every month. But we don't. Most of us. 
And even if we did that, we still wouldn't be helping them. They would still be homeless. And hungry, most of the time.

No, we have to do much more. Much, much more. We have to realize that consumerism is killing us. Literally. All of us.
We have to realize that it's not OK for the 2% to have all the goods while we satisfy ourselves with their crumbs. 
But the most important thing we have to realize and acknowledge is that we made it all happened. We are responsible for those on the top, as well as those at the bottom. 
And we can change it all back before it's too late. We can make it normal. Cause there's enough goods for everybody. No one should die from starvation, illnesses we have cure for or in meaningless wars. 
So why do they? 
Because some pricks want it that way so they could be even richer And we're letting them get away with it... 

This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone


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