You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes
Well you just might find
You get what you need...

It's been a long, long time ago in a universe far, far away when I last got something I really wanted. To be fair, it's also been I while since I really wanted something. Because life taught me that it's much better to go with the flow and enjoy the little things. 

All that bullshit "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." isn't truth you know. Man, that's a shitty advice! No, most of the time you just end up sad and disappointed. And with your heart broken...
But that's not the worst part. The worst part is when you get what you wanted and you realize that it is not what you thought it would be. Because, sometimes, the chase is really better than the catch.

I stumble from time to time too, don't think that I don't. I'm only human and it's so hard not to want. Sometimes even impossible. 
In the last seven-eight years there were just two things I really wanted. A girl (I already wrote a lot about her, so I'll skip this time) and now this job. 
This perfect job in Bruxelles was so close to me for the past six months. And I wanted it so badly for the last two when I passed all the exams. 
What good did I got from it? I ended up single and unemployed. And sad. And disappointed. And with a broken heart... 

But I got a lot of things I needed over all this years. Recently, I unexpectedly saw my friends and family (see my last post). I got the fix which will keep me going for some time. And I saw all the reasons why I left in the first place. It's always a good thing to be reminded. It gets you through the tough times. 
It still hurts, though. Leaving is never easy. 
But a very dear friend of mine is coming to Paris tomorrow. I haven't saw her for years and I can't wait that she lands. 
Once again, it's just what I need.


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