Thank You

I was standing by the abyss
With no way to go but down
I was in the deep, deep dark
And then I saw a ray of light
Reaching her comforting arms to me
That ray of light was you D.

I always struggle describing you
Like a painter who sees an ultimate beauty
And he wants to paint it more than anything
But he fears it will never be good enough
Not nearly as good as the real thing
Like a singer, too shy to sing

But I have no problem to describe
The way you make me feel
Fresh, reborn, powerful, at peace...
I thought I forgot to dream and smile
Now a smile refuses to leave my face
Now everything's falling into the right place

Although I don't know if I'll see you again
I just want you to know
That you never really left
And your body may be a thousand miles away
In that beautiful place by the sea
But You are here with me


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