A Thousand Kisses Deep

Don't matter if it's steep
Don't matter if the moon is gone
And the darkness is complete
Don't matter if we lose our way
It's written that we'll meet
At least, that's what I heard you say
A thousand kisses deep
could say that he was a small-town boy eaten by a big city. Another
dreamer who got stuck in a limbo of the cruel reality. A textbook
example of an underachiever who could've had it all if he just managed
to stay focused and put his mind on the right things.
And you wouldn't be wrong, not completely. But he was much more. So much...
didn't get lost in Paris, oh no. Paris, the city of love, wasn't too
big for him, but too small. Too small for his big heart. Though he lacked
an endless number of qualities, his heart was always in the right
place. And he had integrity. Which is a fatal combination if you want to
succeed in this world. Fatal for you, unfortunately...
yes, even if he came to Paris from his little Nevermindtown in province
to study and achieve big things, he realized soon enough that that
wasn't his path. That he would much rather be a working class hero than
chasing some career. "Career", he was horrified by the word. There's so
much more in life...
he was right in the middle. With some ups and downs, like everybody. He
loved and he was loved, sometimes even in the same time. He had good
friends and somewhat steady job. He wasn't too happy, but he wasn't
unhappy. Most of the time.
A boringly ordinary life. But then he met her. And nothing will be boring nor ordinary ever again..
wasn't chasing a career either, but somehow she couldn't escape it. She
came to Paris with her business diploma, perfect grades and excellent
recommendations. La Defense was the next logical step. Even if it was
more the path she followed, than the path she chose, she was so good at
it. She climbed step over step so confidently, which wasn't easy at all.
Especially in a men's world...
from that, they were very similar. Same taste in music, books, art.
Same thirst for knowledge, scientific breakthroughs, history...
She was also capable of great love, just very unlucky so far.
wasn't the job, it wasn't her lack of willingness, it was just wrong
guys in the wrong time. Cause timing is essential in love, and not a lot
of people realize that. A couple of months sooner or later can make all
the difference in the world when it comes to love.
She never had that perfect storm, and she wasn't expecting that to change when she met him.
wasn't love at first sight, there's no such thing. It was love at a
couple of dozen sentences (It's a thing, trust me). They were talking
about half an hour when he realized that he wants to spend the rest of
his life right in the middle of that conversation.
She wasn't so sure. She was hearing Ornella Vanoni's voice in her head: "Ho sbagliato tante volte ormai che lo so già, che oggi quasi certamente sto sbagliando su di te. Ma una volta in più che cosa può cambiare nella vita mia...". But he was charming, eloquent and somewhat funny, so she gave it a go.
she never regretted it. He loved her the best way he knew, and most of
the time it was more than enough. In fact, she was never as happy as she
was then. But she always had this little "but" hanging around
was good, very good, but will he ever achieve greatness of any kind? He
was almost perfect, she just wanted that one really big gesture. She
didn't even knew herself what was she expecting from him, she just knew
that he didn't delivered it so far.
That's why, two weeks after she took the test and it was positive, she still hasn't told him.
he? Well he was mesmerized from day one.
here there were, approaching their two years anniversary. And even that they decided to celebrate it one day earlier, in a place they met for the
first time, they both had a pretty strong card up their sleeves.
midnight, she was going too tell him that he'll become a father. And he
was going to show her 2 tickets for her favorite band
(U2), tomorrow in Bercy arena.
they were dancing and enjoying themselves, both waiting for midnight.
He almost cave and told her when he saw how happy she was when this
concert started, but he managed to control himself.
she was building the courage to tell him the news that would change
their lives forever. By every minute she was more and more sure that
he'll finally come trough, and that she made the right choice.
suddenly everything stopped. Music and joy in the Bataclan were
replaced by gunshots and screams. He took her hand to get out, but the
doors closest to them were locked. He saw a little space at the corner
near the stage, so he threw her there and himself on top of her, and told her not to move whatever
happens. The next moment she felt something warm and sticky on her
shoulder and his last breath on her neck. She was too shocked to move,
too shocked to cry. And that's probably what saved her.
The paramedics took her to the hospital and after some tests told her that both she and the baby will be fine.
He came trough more than she could ever imagine. It was his last gift...
I loved you when you opened
Like a lily to the heat
You see, I'm just another snowman
Standing in the rain and sleet
Who loved you with his frozen love
His second hand physique
With all he is and all he was
A thousand kisses deep
Like a lily to the heat
You see, I'm just another snowman
Standing in the rain and sleet
Who loved you with his frozen love
His second hand physique
With all he is and all he was
A thousand kisses deep
Dedicated to all hate-crime victims in the world.
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