But love remains

Sometimes at night

When I'm too sober to sleep
And too drunk to stay awake
I can feel your hand reaching for mine
Just like you used to do

And suddenly we find ourselves
Hovering over the dark corridor of memories
From time to time a little flash
Lights up a certain fragment
And I can finally see again

Your smile, while you were playing with me
You, dancing to your favorite Beatles song 
How safe I felt while you were holding me in your arms
How scared you were when you had to drive in reverse
I was never scared when I was with you

I was scared the first time they took you to the hospital
And you didn't come back for days
But then you came back with my little sister
So I wasn't scared when they took you the second time
Nor the third time, nor the fourth time

I wasn't scared when you started to lose your hair
I teased you that you'll look like grandpa
How could I know?
The fifth time they took you, I could feel something was different
They knew you weren't coming back

But I couldn't accept that
I kept asking when will you come back
I kept begging them to bring you back
I dreamt so often that you were back
I still do sometimes...

Sometimes at night
When I'm too drunk to sleep
But too sober to stay awake
I can feel your hand reaching for mine
And everything is fine


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