Silver Springs (chapter 2)

Blue green colors flashin'
I would be your only dream
Your shining autumn, ocean crashing…
- "Make yourself
at home, I'll get us that drink."
- "I'll put the
record on."
- "Please, chose
whatever you want."
- "Oh, this one
will do just fine. Is that the original?"
- "Yes, no Silver
Springs." - she smiled.
- "How did you
- "I told you
I've read everything you wrote. I know you have that voice that haunts you."
- "Don't we
- "I suppose we
do. But yours seems to be pretty strong. I don't know if I can compete with
that. If time couldn't break that spell, what chance do I have?"
- "Ah, but time
has succeeded. It always does. There were situations when I tried to resurrect
the past. But I learned the hard way that the past should always stay in the
past. Nothing good can ever come from playing with that shit. And you fuck up some
good memories while you do it. I know better now."
- "Totally,
right? I went on this school trip in the south of Italy and it was so amazing.
So, I went back there with a couple of friends some years later, but it was not
nearly as good as the first time."
- "I hear you.
Same thing with me in Spain. We also had plans to go back. I'm so glad we never
Anyway, to get back on
the topic, what about you?"
- "Oh, I prefer
- "I bet you
do," - he smiled - "but that's not what I meant."
- "l know."
- she kissed him - "I'm just trying to buy some time."
- "For what it's
worth, you're doing a good job." - he kissed her right back.
- "You're witty,
I really like that."
- "Oh, I love
that word! I and I like you for using it. Especially for using it to describe
me. - They both smiled.
- "Even though,
now that I think about it, I really did have much more encounters with 'Dreams'
kind of guys than 'Silver springs'."
- "And none of
them left a mark?"
- "Oh, far from
that. But nothing like your story. Nobody's haunting my dreams." - she
smiled a bit, keeping her eyes down.
- "Well, in my
opinion, there's no that much difference between those two songs. It's a thin,
thin line. And to be completely honest, I also do have a girl in 'Dreams' category.
She loved her freedom more than anything. You know livin’ la vida loca and all that. I wonder sometimes if she's still having fun..."
- "The girl from
your poems, I suppose."
- "Shit..."
- he smiled - "You really do have an unfair advantage. Luckily for me, I
can read people pretty fast."
- "Oh, I am
aware. That's one of the things that makes this so interesting." - she
kissed him again.
- "You really are
unique. It's so refreshing... And extremely hot at the same time."
- "Again with the
sweet talk..."
- "Actually, I'm
not sure that I used that one before."
She straddled him and started
to play with his hair, looking him deep in the eyes.
- "I'm not gonna
sleep with you tonight."
- "What? Fuck,
where did that came from?" - they both laughed.
- "I just thought
you should know."
- "Well, my lady,
nothing was further from my mind. I am the perfect gentleman."
- "I know, that's
the fucking problem. I know how to defend myself from all those handsy
scumbags. But how can a girl defend herself from a guy like you?"
- "You tell
me." - he kissed her again gently and softly.
- "Oh, this is so
not fair." - she mumbled through the kiss.
- "So not fair..."
casts a spell on you, but you won't forget me
I know I could have loved you, but you would not let me
I'll follow you down til' the sound of my voice will haunt you
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you
I know I could have loved you, but you would not let me
I'll follow you down til' the sound of my voice will haunt you
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you
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