Middlemist camellia

Was it in your mesmerizing eyes
Colored like a promising book
Riddled with secrets and emotions

Was it your sparkling, radiant smile
Taunting and tempting, but
Offering loyalty and devotion

Was it in your alluring rosebud lips
Glowing in the dark and tasting
Like a nurturing, soft passion

Was it in your golden, sunlike hair
Shining through that cold winter night
And melting it without ration

Was it in the manner that you talked
Or the flamboyant way you walked
Was it the tenderness of your heart
Was it the fire in your soul
Maybe it was nothing
Maybe everything and all
I don’t know

But somehow you managed
To outshine this city of lights
And wipe away my sadness
With a glass of comfort
And a dash of madness
You were the cure for my blindness


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