People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone...
Well, they don't. But maybe that's because I don't mind
being alone. In fact, I love it. Most of the time.
Because if you can't enjoy your own company, you won't be
able to really enjoy anyone else's. And, what is worse, nobody will enjoy
If you can't be alone with your thoughts, you have a big
problem. And no other living creature can help you with that. You have to
settle it yourself. Alone.
But I digress.
While in my hometown people would look at you in a funny way
if you're alone at the restaurant, in the park, at the movies, concerts, taking
a walk... Over here nobody gives a damn. Cause everybody does it. And that is
one of the big reasons why I absolutely love this city! You can do whatever the
hell you want to do. Alone.
And it wouldn't be strange. Even if you are a stranger.
Cause you'll see a lot of people doing the same. In their own world. And you'll
love it!
Most of the time.
Yes, there's always a but.
Of course there is.
there's blood in these veins
And you cry when in pain
You're only human on the inside
You're only human on the inside
And you need to socialize. Of course you do.
But that won't be as easy as it seems. First of all, when
you're in your mid-thirties it's not that easy to make friends as it used to
be. You already have a group of people with whom you've been trough haven and hell.
Who knows all the little things you like, that you dislike. How you will react
in any situation. Who knows and accept all your flaws. And you grew to accept
(even love) theirs.
And now you have to do it all over again???
Is it worth it?
But that's not all! Like always, there's another side
of the medal. The Parisians. We like to think that they are open to strangers .
And they like to think that as well.
But the reality is a bit different. Especially if you have
an Eastern European accent. The first thing that crosses their mind is that you
belong to some criminal organization (not all of them, of course). Unless you
are a very pretty girl.
Oh wait! No, that doesn't help either...
And you can't really blame them. Cause in fact there are
many criminal organizations from all parts of Eastern Europe here.
Prejudice? We all have them. Even yours truly...
Prejudice? We all have them. Even yours truly...
So, you have to prove them wrong. That takes patience and
time. And again you'll ask yourself: "Is it worth it?".
Well... Of course it bloody is :)
P. S. Jim says Hi!
..."Pariz ti je dao sebe
ReplyDeleteDio neba zauvijek..."
Istina :)